Friday, September 17, 2010

Do the 2% really need another tax-cut?

There is a reason they are referred to as the 2%, they are the minority.  The richest 2% of our country are just that, 2% of the population, therefore the minority.  Why aren't more of the 98% more vocal in their frustrations over this minute, insignificant group getting all the breaks?

It may be the 2% that are financing these campaigns, but it is not the 2% standing in line at the polls that gets our elected officials in office.  The Republicans want to usher in new tax cuts for the rich, just as the old ones, enacted by the Bush Administration and put us into this recession, are coming to an end.

Our elected officials are supposed to do what is best for the greater population, if the Republicans are not doing that, then why do so many vote for them?  How do we have ANY Republicans in office?  How does that party even exist?  The rich finance the elections, and therefore have bought and paid for the officials.

We should not vote for someone that is paid for by big business or the richest 2%, we should not allow someone to hold office that represents such a small part of the population.

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