Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Presidents Speech was Boring?

Last night on the Fox News show "The O'Reilly Factor", Bill O'Reilly called Barack Obama boring.  He said he found nothing wrong with the words in the speech but felt that overall it was "boring".

We are talking about The President of the United States giving a speech about the closing war in Iraq.  It's not his job to be entertaining, we leave that up to O'Reilly and the folks at Fox News (Entertainment Channel).  While the President did exhibit a certain flair while on the campaign trail, that was not his primary focus last night.

Bill O'Reilly performs on his show as an entertainer and commentator.  Yet he fell so short of his job this time that instead of attacking our President on merit or substance, he had to attack his style, while his guest on the "Factor" Monica Crowley said he looked like he should be wearing a propeller hat.  I mean, really, you're a nationally broadcast show, with millions of viewers, and the best you can do is "boring" or "nerd"?

Why does Fox News pay O'Reilly?  More importantly, why does anyone bother to listen to him?

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