Friday, October 22, 2010

Corporations are not People

Since when did we start thinking that somehow our rights as individual humans in this country were less important that those of big business, or any business for that matter?

Well right now, those businesses do think they are more important, and most of that thought comes from the fact that they have more money than you.  They can buy politicians, who will vote in Congress the way they want them to vote, not the way you need them to vote.

Take a look at some of the races going on right now for the mid-term elections.  Unidentified large donations are being poured into these Republicans campaigns.  They are scared of what the Democrats might do if they stay in power.  Why are they scared?  Because what is best for them is not what's best for the majority, the middle class.  Somehow, someway, money has outweighed the majority.  It's all an illusion though, the money being poured out, is in the form of ads made to target us, and convince us to vote for these Republicans so that the illusion of "majority wins" is upheld.

Let's take another stab at those Teabaggers.  The Tea Party likes to put a lot of pressure on some of the oldest documents in US History, so let's look at what may be the first one.  The Declaration of Independence, it starts out with "We the People", not "We the Corporations", we would all do good to remember that come November 2nd.

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