Friday, October 22, 2010

Christians support Nazis and the KKK.

Now that I have your attention, provide me with a moment to explain.

Much of the Right-Wing rhetoric these days coming from the likes of Fox News and other such organizations has been about how "Muslims" attacked us on 9/11, or that the planned mosque should not be built because "Muslims" are responsible for the deaths resulting from the collapse of the Twin Towers.

What's more shocking to me than the above statement, is how those who say it think it's a truthful, acceptable statement to make.  Muslims did not attack us on 9/11.  Muslims did not plant explosives in a van in Times Square.  A small minority of terrorists did those things.  By the way, they happen to be Muslim, and yes, according to them, was carried out in the name of Islam.

The title to this blog has a purpose.  I thought for a while about how to effectively piss off the most people, and that's what I came up with.  Did it make you angry?  I hope it did.  I hope it shocked you.  I hope, even for a moment, that you felt how the majority of Muslims in this world feel when they encounter people with the above opinions.

For centuries death and destruction has been carried out at the hands of Christians.  We can start with the Crusades, fast forward to the Ku Klux Klan, stop by in Nazi Germany and finally land in present day with the WBC (Westford Baptist Church) who are best known for their picket signs held up at military funerals that read "Thank God for Dead Soldiers".

Does this mean that all Christians believe in genocide, violent attacks on African Americans or blaming the deaths of U.S. Soldiers on homosexuals?  Of course not, that would be a ridiculous stance to take... almost as ridiculous as the title of this article. 

So why would we blame 9/11, the war in Iraq and bombs in Times Square on Muslims?  Why would we single out this religion, yet spew venom in every direction if someone insults our own religion?


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