Monday, January 3, 2011

Obamas Million Dollar Vacation? Big Deal

So the POTUS took a vacation, it's Christmas.  So it cost over $1 million, he's the President, it's expensive for him to go to the bathroom. (Consider the escort by Secret Service, etc.)  Is he not entitled to a vacation?  Because Air Force One, Secret Service, etc are expensive, should he sit at home for the holidays?  I for one would rather send the Obamas on a million dollar vacation, than spend BILLIONS on a war I don't support.  Those same folks that are okay with the high cost of "spreading democracy" are the same ones that have issues with the Obama family taking a vacation.

You cannot compare the cost of your vacation with is.  You do not have a Secret Service detail.  You do not have White House Aides. You most likely did not have to work while on your vacation.  Our President works everyday, he is the POTUS everyday, Christmas or not.

Now for the perspective....

George Bush, the Second Mistake, took a total of 977 vacation days during his presidency, that's 122 days per year, 33% of his entire presidency.  Still want to compare your vacation to the POTUS?

Many of his 977 vacation days were to his ranch in Crawford, TX.  Do you think he took a cab?  No, he took Air Force One, and so did his dog, Barney.

Now, I could do the research and add up all the costs for you, but considering Mr. Obama has taken 26 days of vacation in his first year compared to Bush taking 69, I think you all are smart enough to figure it out.

Face the facts.  The POTUS flies on Air Force One.  He also has a Secret Service (and sometimes Navy Seals) as an escort.  His family goes on vacation with him.  His aides go as well.  And he takes reporters, which may sound stupid, but if he didn't you'd say he was hiding something.  Get over your self.

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