Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Majority of the GOP thinks that Barack Obama is a Muslim!

No they don't.

And they don't think he was born outside of the United States either.

A lot of the news articles I've been seeing the last few days have been about the GOP's belief that our President is a Muslim and that he was born in Kenya.

I would venture to say that the greater majority of the GOP are fairly intelligent individuals.  There is no way they are so ignorant as to think that any of the above is true.  If it were, the Right would be plastering their proof everywhere imaginable, but they aren't.

However, it is very convenient, from where they sit, to claim they believe it.  The Republicans seem to have hit the proverbial jackpot when it comes to constituents.  At least the ones that are the most vocal, believe anything and everything they so happen to hear on Fox News and spread it like Christmas Cheer.

For a moment, let me pose a question or two.  Would we be having this conversation if say, Obama was a Jew?  Is the issue that he might be a Muslims, or is it that he might be a non-Christian?  Either one says something totally different but equally horrifying.

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