Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sarah Palin in 2012??

For the good of our county, I hope not.

Electing Sarah Palin as President would certainly be the worst mistake we've made since allowing George W. Bush into office.

The scary part?  The reason for a blog about it?

The Right Wing ditto heads just might vote for her.  If Limbaugh or Beck command their sheep to elect her, guess what folks?  It's President (Nature hating, Geographically impaired) Palin.  And who will she owe her presidency to?  Who will be receiving our hard earned dollars?  Who will get the next line of tax cuts?  It wont be us, she'll be too busy paying back all the lobbyists, special interest groups and big businesses that got her elected.

I read today that Sarah Palin is a Fox News Contributor, which since they are known for their useless, fear-mongering, lie spewing rhetoric, I guess I should have known that all along.  Fox News is an entertainment channel, not a worthy news source, and if Palin wants to place a bid for 2012 she needs to figure out if she really thinks anyone can take her seriously. 

My opinion is that if you want a repeat of the debacle that is/was George W. Bush, then by all means, elect Sarah Palin.  But, if you want a country that can at least pretend to be proud of it's leader, maybe the GOP should go back to the drawing board.

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